If You Have $3,000 To Burn, Uber Will Fly You From New York To The Hamptons In A Helicopter

Uber, the popular on-demand car service, is exploring a new mode of transportation for the upcoming Fourth of July holiday weekend, helicopter rides.
UberCHOPPER, will set you back $3,000 dollars, but you get a ride to and from the Hamptons for up to five people.
Starting July 3 from noon to 8 p.m., you can use Uber's iPhone or Android app to reserve a car that will take you to a helipad in New York City. From there, you'll zoom off to the Hamptons.
The chopper ride itself will take about 40 minutes.
The experiment is a new business venture for the company and it says that it will be looking very closely at how it goes.
Uber also made news recently as it was revealed that the company is seeking a new round of funding that will value it at over $1 billion.
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