Investors can shoot for the stars with this space economy ETF

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As emerging tech explodes onto the scene and interest in space exploration continues, investors are wondering where they can gain the best exposure to the space economy.

ProcureAM Co-Founder and CEO Andrew Chanin joins Yahoo Finance to discuss Procure's Space ETF (UFO) and why investors should consider adding it as interest in space exploration gains momentum.

"What the index looks at is for primarily... companies that are deriving a majority of their revenues from space-related activities, businesses, and services... roughly 80% of the fund looks at these more pure play space companies, but also recognizing that some of the biggest players in the space industry are your prime contractors, your diversified aerospace and defense companies," Chanin explains. "But maybe not... 50% or more of the revenues coming from that area, but the index looks for those diversified companies that are still making over 20% of the revenues from space, hundreds of millions a year in revenues from space."

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Editor's note: This article was written by Nicholas Jacobino

Video Transcript

AKIKO FUJITA: Well SpaceX postponing the launch of Intuitive Machines lunar lander today. Intuitive is vying to become the first commercial lander to make it to the moon and will hopefully take flight tomorrow. For how investors can cash in to the space market, let's bring in Andrew Chanin, Co-Founder and CEO of ProcureAM, here for our ETF report brought to you by Invesco QQQ.

It's good to talk to you today. And of course, you've got an ETF around the space space-- UFO. I'm looking through your holdings right now, though, as we see the ETF overall off to a bit of a rough start here. How do you think investors should consider where the space opportunities are right now, given that a lot of these companies are still privately held?

ANDREW CHANIN: Yeah. This fund was launched back in April of 2019. So we've seen companies added to the index. We've seen companies removed. We've seen mergers amongst companies in the index, as well as acquisitions of companies being taken private by private equity.

And so we have seen a lot of changes over these almost five years of the fund's existence. And the fund does rebalance, and reconstitutes, and it looks for these new opportunities. But right now, so much of the growth of the overall space economy over the last several decades has really come from communications companies.

And so that is a really important part of space that connects us here on Earth today. This interview wouldn't be happening if it wasn't because of space technology and satellite connectivity. And it helps us in so many ways today. But I think a lot of people are looking towards where the next areas of growth can be for space. And a lot of people are looking at still communications as well as this emerging cislunar economy, where this Intuitive Machines launch is something that we're looking to be able to expand as far as what's capable with the moon.